Monday, October 12, 2009


My name is Barry Goodwin. I am a two-time cancer survivor. One thing that has helped me to live with cancer is writing poetry. It has allowed me to live with the the beast and to battle it. As of now I am cancer free as much as the doctors can tell.
The purpose of this blog is to help other cancer patients deal with their lives with cancer. Hopefully help them cope and give them some hope. I am also self-publishing a collection of my poems called Battling the Beast. I hope both will be of help to the others who fight cancer everyday.

Waiting on the Beast
Waiting, waiting,
Waiting for the beast,
Waiting for the doctors,
Waiting for the pet scan,
Waiting for the results
Waiting fo a cure,
Waiting to die.
It seems I'm always waiting;
Waiting on the beast,
Waiting for the beast,
Waiting because of the beast,
The devil's pet.
That God-damned
Bloody beast from hell.


  1. Barry, we are in class together on Wedesdays. I have never done this Blog thing before, and was not sure I was in it correctly.

    I don't know how long these Blog things can be, so I am going to bring you something to read on Wedesday. It's 12 lines long.


  2. Barry:

    Glad to hear that you are still Cancer Free.

    Wed they r gonna put a camera down my throat & check things. I get another PT Scan in Nov.

    Wii see you whenever the classes reconvien. Keep fighting.

